🗃️ Bridge your tokens
2 items
🗃️ Community tutorials
2 items
📄️ Estimate transaction costs
How to estimate Linea gas costs
📄️ Use the Linea API
How to make calls to the Linea blockchain using the Linea JSON-RPC APIs
📄️ Linea SDK
📄️ Retrieve finalized L2 blocks
A finalized L2 block is a block on an L2 blockchain (Linea) that has been confirmed and validated
🗃️ Run a Linea node
5 items
📄️ Create a multi-signature smart contract wallet
Use Safe to create a multi-signature smart contract wallet on Linea
📄️ Create an inscription
Bitcoin inscriptions are a method of adding metadata to the smallest unit of Bitcoin, a satoshi (sat). Various types of data, including images, videos, messages, etc., can be "inscribed" onto the Bitcoin blockchain to create NFTs. This concept has been adapted for the Ethereum blockchain, where it's known as "Ethscriptions".
📄️ Deploy a Linea subdomain
Guide to deploy a subdomain for any L1 .eth domain on Linea